Fading animation

Fade in and out notifications.


  • a first notification is shown when the page loads
  • a second notification is shown when the "Show second notification" button is clicked
Only fade out is animatedBoth fade in and out are animated

How it works

Behind the scenes, growl notifications are moved inside the DOM from where they are defined (using the growlNotification directive) to where they are displayed (using the growlNotifications directive).

Growl notifications for AngularJS is tightly integrated with Angular's $animate service so you can make use of the ng-move classes to animate your notifications (learn more).

In this example we use CSS transitions to fade in and out the notifications.

It is important to note that the ng-move animation is not triggered on initial page load. This is default AngularJS behavior (read more) and causes the fade in effect only to be visible in the notification that is triggered by clicking the button.


// Load the ngAnimate module to enable animation
angular.module('yourApp', ['growlNotifications', 'ngAnimate']);
<!-- Show a notification when the page is loaded -->
<growl-notification class="fading">
    Only fade out is animated

<!-- Show a notification when a button is clicked -->
<growl-notification class="fading" ng-if="showGrowl">
    Both fade in and out are animated

<!-- Button to display second notification -->
<button ng-click="showGrowl = true" class="btn btn-primary">Show second notification</button>
    opacity: 0;
    -webkit-transition: 1s linear all; /* Safari/Chrome */
    transition: 1s linear all; /* All other modern browsers and IE10+ */

growl-notification.fading.ng-move.ng-move-active {
    opacity: 1;
growl-notification.fading.ng-leave {
    opacity: 1;
    -webkit-transition: 1s linear all; /* Safari/Chrome */
    transition: 1s linear all; /* All other modern browsers and IE10+ */

growl-notification.fading.ng-leave.ng-leave-active {
    opacity: 0;
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