Dynamically adding notifications

As of V2, Growl Notifications for AngularJS no longer contains a service to add messages.

This causes better separation of concerns and allows you to implement your own custom logic anywhere you like inside your application (service, controller, ...).

In this example we use a form and a controller to demonstrate how you can dynamically add notifications.


  • show a form to add new notifcations
  • show error message when message is empty
  • if message is not empty, show a growl notification with the message

Try it

Please enter a valid message
Add notification


<!-- Placeholder for growl notifications -->

<!-- Load controller -->
<div ng-controller="AddDynamicNotificationsExampleCtrl">

        Loop over notifications using ng-repeat

        Track by id so each message has unique id
        and identical messages don't cause AngularJS
        to throw errors about ng-repeat containing
        identical errors.

        Don't use ng-repeat on growl-notification element directly
        but use a wrapping element instead.
    <div ng-repeat="(id, notification) in notifications track by id">

        Show form to add new notifications

        The Bootstrap CSS has been removed for clarity.
            <label>New notification</label>
            <input type="text" ng-model="newNotification" />
            <span class="ng-cloak" ng-show="invalidNotification">
                Please enter a valid message
        <button ng-click="add(newNotification)">Add notification</button>
angular.module('examples', ['growlNotifications', 'ngAnimate'])

  .controller('AddDynamicNotificationsExampleCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope){

     * Initialize index
     * @type {number}
    var index = 0;

     * Boolean to show error if new notification is invalid
     * @type {boolean}
    $scope.invalidNotification = false;

     * Placeholder for notifications
     * We use a hash with auto incrementing key
     * so we can use "track by" in ng-repeat
     * @type {{}}
    $scope.notifications = {};

     * Add a notification
     * @param notification
    $scope.add = function(notification){

      var i;

        $scope.invalidNotification = true;

      i = index++;
      $scope.invalidNotification = false;
      $scope.notifications[i] = notification;

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