How to customize Bootstrap

Bootstrap boilerplate for Harp lets you completely customize Bootstrap for each individual theme.

To reduce CSS bloat, Bootstrap boilerplate for Harp lets you select the exact Bootstrap components you wish to include for each theme.


Each theme contains a _bootstrap.less file with all Bootstrap components you wish to include for that specific theme.

To leave dropdowns and button-groups for a theme, simply comment out the following line in the _bootstrap.less inside the theme folder:

@import "../../../../bower_components/bootstrap/less/component-animations";
@import "../../../../bower_components/bootstrap/less/glyphicons";
// @import "../../../../bower_components/bootstrap/less/dropdowns";
// @import "../../../../bower_components/bootstrap/less/button-groups";
@import "../../../../bower_components/bootstrap/less/input-groups";
@import "../../../../bower_components/bootstrap/less/navs";
@import "../../../../bower_components/bootstrap/less/navbar";

That's all there is to it!

Very simple yet extremely powerful!